
Annegret Frauenlob rookie

Just bring it to type height!

How long have you been printing?

In 2003 at Chemnitzer Kunstfabrik I started with mainly woodblock prints and lithography.

Describe your first encounter with letterpress

In my first year of studying book arts our group project was a book on poems of Ingeborg Bachmann. Just fell in love with the athmosphere of the workshop – the materials, the tools, the people of print!

Where did you learn?

Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle and where ever I meet colleagues since then!

What super power would you like to have?


Do you prefer to work alone or with others?

I am dependent on both!

What do you most value in your friends?

sharing failures

When do your best ideas occur to you?

while travelling

If you were to die and come back as a typeface, which would it be?

Kristall Grotesk

What tool do you use more often than any other?

my hands (to grab a random item I can reach quickly that might be useful to replace the tool I forgot to bring.)

What books are currently on your nightstand?

Calvin and Hobbes – for all situations in life the best book to consult.

If you have your own shop, what equipment do you own?

Grafix proof press (40 × 56), lead type, binding equipment

If you could change one thing about your shop, what would it be?

Enlarge my proof press to 50 × 70, add a Heidelberg Zylinder.
And a fresh set of Kristall Grotesk in my drawers.

What’s your day job?

Teaching letterpress at Folkwang University of the Arts

Do you use any other techniques or media besides letterpress?

whatever comes my way. just bring it to type height!
material print, etching on lino, woodblock. But also once in a while screen print or riso.