Marieke Printing

Marieke de Wit veteran


When I saw the typecases I fell in love...

How long have you been printing?

I started printing in 2010 at my art academy.
At first I made a lot of drypoint etchings, monotypes and after that especially etching in copper plates.

Describe your first encounter with letterpress

When I attended my internship in Graphic Studio Hilversum I learned all the old graphic techniques.
I started with monoprinting and silkscreen-printing but there I saw the typecases and I fell in love...

Where did you learn?

In 'Grafisch Atelier Hilversum'; a big graphic workshop in the centre of Holland.

If you were to die and come back as a typeface, which would it be?


What books are currently on your nightstand?

I am always reading several books at the same time.
> 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami (I think this book is the biggest I have ever read)
> The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton
> The secret of the Wildwood by Tonke Dragt (the childrens book on this stack)

If you could study with any printer throughout history, who would it be?

Piet Zwart

If you have your own shop, what equipment do you own?

I really want to have a Sofadi printing-press.

What’s your day job?

I am a freelance graphic designer. But these days I am more of a teacher; giving workshops in Museum The Rembrandthuis in Amsterdam.

Do you use any other techniques or media besides letterpress?

I use silkscreen and sometimes etching for illustration work in my graphic designs.