
Richard Ardagh veteran

New North Press

Opening every case, wanting to know about everything

How long have you been printing?

Since 2008 properly

Describe your first encounter with letterpress

I had some experience of letterpress while studying but it was meeting Graham (Bignell, founder of New North Press) and the environment there that really encouraged me to pursue it. I still remember my first visits and the feeling of discovery; opening every case, wanting to know about everything.

Who was your most influential teacher?

Graham Bignell: knowledgeable, generous, patient and great fun to be around.

Do you prefer to work alone or with others?

I'm very fortunate to be a part of a partnership at NNP (with Beatrice Bless & Graham Bignell). We each have our own ideas and motivations and do our best to support each other to achieve them.

What’s your day job?

Graphic designer